Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why start Blogging

Well, this is it - the moment that a blank canvas needs to be filled with something that is interesting, entertaining and even - dare one say - capable of generating some ... controversy? High and lofty goals indeed.

No, not really, but seeing the fun that Brian is having on I have decided to try this new fangled blogging technology to post items that I came across my day to day tasks that I found of interest and that will - hopefully - be of interest to others. At the very least I will be able to say that I have tried it.

Oh and the title of the blog? Quite simple, for a 44 year old scooter driver, what better title could there be...

I promise that the next entry should be of more IT interest, spinning a tale of intrigue and daring with regards to data stores, Hibernate and some rather interesting standards...

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